What to Keep In Mind When Organising Monuments for Your Loved One

27 October 2021
 Categories: , Blog


It is never easy trying to handle the logistical end of a person's passing, especially if they are a dear loved one with who you were very close. Monuments are one of the ways you honour and remember those who have died and so it is important to get them just right. While these are generally quite simple because you don't want them to look cramped or tacky, that does not mean you won't have a few decisions that you need to consider when designing your monuments. Here are three things you need to keep in mind when discussing the monuments you are creating for your loved one.

Honorifics And Other Descriptions

On most monuments, there will be at least a brief description of the person who is buried there. But agreeing on what that should be is easier said than done. Some people prefer to just refer to them by their relation to their immediate family, such as "Loving father and husband". Others prefer something more broad or vague, especially if the person in question was not married. Take some time to consider what would best suit your loved one and make sure to talk it through with others who were close to them.

Cemetery Rules

This is something that is often overlooked until you get contacted by the cemetery itself but depending on where your loved one is buried, you may need to abide by the rules and regulations of that cemetery. For example, many religious cemeteries will not allow certain images or designs on monuments. Or, perhaps, they will specifically require a religious symbol such as the cross, on your monument. If you are uncomfortable with this then look for cemeteries that are more open and don't have any religious affiliation, especially if your loved one was not of that denomination.

Relation To Other Monuments

No one wants the monument of their loved one to stick out from amongst those around it. Having a monument looking like a sore thumb in a cemetery would make it very awkward to visit and could draw some complaints from relatives of those close by. That is why it is so important to visit the plot where your loved one is going to be buried and see what the other monuments around them look like. That doesn't mean you have to have an identical monument to the ones around them but mirroring some elements, such as the height or material used, can be a minor way to make sure it blends in and can visit them in peace.